Evidenced Based - Schroth 3D Therapy
Currently, and after several decades of scientific research about scoliosis world wide, in the majority of cases, scoliosis has long been classified as Idiopathic which means there is no single identifiable specific cause.
Over 80% of all cases of scoliosis are categorized as idiopathic; the majority of which are female. After the age of 10, the ratio of idiopathic scoliosis female to male is 10:1.
Families who have a child diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis mostly seek help from the medical profession which involves a referral to a Children’s public hospital.
Observation is initially the most widely used treatment for idiopathic scoliosis. Bracing is then usually prescribed if a curve has progressed to >25°. The efficacy of bracing however is key to stopping progression in early adolescence. Public hospitals though only provide symmetrical bracing whereas today there is evidence to show asymmetrical bracing is far more effective in stopping progression and even reducing curves.
Unfortunately, scheduled observation review intervals at public hospitals, may not be timely enough for adolescent idiopathic patients whose curve(s) has rapidly progressed. As a consequence once their curve(s) has progressed to 45° they are prescribed spinal fusion surgery.
The question then for all families with a child or adolescent who has idiopathic scoliosis is:
While there is no cure for idopathic scoliosis, there are alternative conservative, non surgical treatment options which can stop progression, maintain normal function and improve body aesthetics via postural correction?
6 Day Schroth 3D Therapy Programs
Our Schroth 3D Therapy Programs adhere to The International Scientific Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT) 2016 Guidelines for the conservative treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis during growth.
SOSORT's Primary treatment goals as stated in the 2016 Guidelines are:
1. to stop curve progression at puberty (and possibly even reduce it)
2. to prevent or treat respiratory dysfunction
3. to prevent or treat spinal pain syndromes
4. to improve aesthetics via postural correction
It's Absolute goal is to avoid surgery.
To achieve best possible outcomes, comprehensive conservative treatment of Idiopathic Scoliosis requires a team approach composed of an Orthopaedic Surgeon, Orthotist, Therapist and if required a psychologist.
For details of Major Thoracic and Lumbar Curve Types click on:
Download a PDF Summary of the content, structure and scope of our Schroth 3D Scoliosis Exercise Therapy Programs: